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This is pretty damn good, an expanded version would deserve to be sold on Steam. My only nitpick is that the cameras aren't really useful, maybe they could slow down the monsters when watching them or have some sort of separate item to flash or shock the monsters. Also the final boss (which I nicknamed Big Red) might be bugged since it never attempted to enter the house while I was inside beyond knocking on the window and the door once.

I found this really weird bug. On the second day i purchased a beartrap and a wardrobe. I placed the wardrobe inside and wanted too pick up the chair but i couldnt, i could only stand on it so I went back too the pc and shut it off thinking that the game maybe still thought the shop menu was open so thats why i couldnt pick up the chair? Idk. But when i exited the pc the camera moved back too the yard with the delivery fan but my character was still inside at the computer room.


I see, thanks for telling me. Honestly, I have no idea what might be causing these bugs to happen, they just randomly occur. If the bug with the chair happends again try clicking the option you want with your mouse maybe that will work.